Gray Line Iceland - So, How's the weather in Iceland?

Posted by Admin on 18 Dec 2023

Understanding the Weather in Iceland: Tips for Every Season

Iceland, renowned for its enchanting landscapes and geothermal hot spots, also boasts a weather personality as dynamic as its scenery. For those with an adventurous spirit, navigating this country of fire and ice can be a thrilling quest. But what does the weather in Iceland have in store for you when you visit? Let’s find out!

Key Takeaways

  • Iceland’s weather is unpredictable and varies greatly between seasons & locations.

  • Prepare for any type of weather with waterproof gear, snow tires, etc.

  • Enjoy Iceland’s natural beauty year round, from Northern Lights to whale watching!

Understanding Iceland's Seasons and Weather Patterns

Straddling the line between the North Atlantic and Arctic Ocean, Iceland’s weather is a heady cocktail of influences. It’s an exciting medley of shifting patterns, resulting from its prime location, the warming Gulf Stream, and its unique geography. The country’s maritime climate is characterized by rapid changes, making the weather forecast a mere suggestion rather than a certainty.

Whether you’re soaking in the geothermal pools of the Blue Lagoon or exploring the geysers of the Golden Circle, understanding the country’s weather patterns can enhance your experience. The average temperature hovers around 41 F (5 C), but it can vary significantly across the island. Winters in Reykjavik are usually around 33-35 F (1-2 C), and summers hover at about 54 F (12 C). But if you venture north, brace yourself for colder climes, with winters at about 32 F (0 C) and summers around 52 F (11 C). And don’t be surprised if you stumble upon snow, strong winds, and heavy rain when you explore the highland areas during summer.

Let us examine these weather nuances further in the day forecast.

The Influence of the Gulf Stream on Iceland's Climate

The Gulf Stream, a warm ocean current originating from the Caribbean, plays a starring role in Iceland’s weather drama. By bringing warm water from the equator, it has a moderating effect on the country’s climate, making Iceland’s weather milder than what you might expect for its latitude.

This constant flow of warmth doesn’t just keep the chill at bay; it also adds an element of unpredictability to Iceland’s weather. The Gulf Stream ushers in a generous amount of rain showers, especially in the south. This mix of warm Atlantic air and cold Arctic air can cause the weather to change rapidly and dramatically.

Therefore, if you experience sunny weather one moment and sudden light rain the next, the Gulf Stream is responsible.

Variability of Weather Across the Island

If you’re looking for consistency, Iceland’s weather might not be your cup of tea. It can vary greatly depending on where you are. For instance, the southern part of the country experiences more rain, thanks to the influence of the Gulf Stream.

Meanwhile, the coastal areas are usually milder, with temperatures ranging from 6°C to 3°C, while the inland areas can get much colder, dropping to bone-chilling lows of up to -30°C. The coastal regions also receive more rain than their inland counterparts.

The relentless wind chill is a significant factor in Iceland’s weather, making it feel much colder than what the thermometer might suggest. And as for snowfall, it’s a fleeting affair in most parts, except in North Iceland or higher altitudes where snow tends to linger.

Seasonal Shifts and Their Impact on Daylight

In Iceland, the daylight hours dance to the tune of the seasons. Its high latitude near the Arctic Circle gives birth to long daylight hours in the summer, with nights that barely darken. This period is known as the Midnight Sun.

During the summer months of June and July, the country bathes in 20 to 22 hours of daylight. The sun barely dips below the horizon, creating a surreal spectacle of endless twilight. Contrast this with the short days of winter, where daylight is a precious commodity, lasting just over four hours.

While Iceland doesn’t experience a full Polar Night, the sun barely peeks above the horizon, giving rise to long nights and a heightened chance of catching the Northern Lights.

A Month-by-Month Guide to Iceland's Weather

Having broadly covered Iceland’s weather, we shall now discuss what each month presents. From the chilly embrace of January to the mild caress of July, each month in Iceland offers a unique weather experience.

October takes the crown as the wettest month, so keep that raincoat handy if you’re planning a visit then. As for daylight, summer is when Iceland truly shines. Around June and July, the country enjoys 20 to 22 hours of daylight each day, a stark contrast to the short winter days from October to March, with daylight lasting a mere 10+ hours.

January's Chill and Northern Lights

January in Iceland is a winter wonderland, with average temperatures swirling around 0°C (32°F). However, don’t let this dissuade you from visiting, as the frigid temperatures can dip to -10°C or climb to +5°C (14°F to 41°F). The country also sees an average snowfall of about 7 inches (17.8 cm).

The daylight hours in January are limited to around 4 to 7 hours on average. The long nights, however, provide a dark canvas for one of nature’s most breathtaking performances - the Northern Lights. The clear skies of winter offer the best view of this ethereal spectacle, a light show powered by electrically charged particles from the sun hitting Earth’s magnetic field.

July's Warmth and Midnight Sun

July paints a vastly different picture from January’s icy grasp. With average temperatures of around 55°F (13°C), and highs reaching up to 68°F (20°C), July is a pleasant respite from the cold.

What sets July apart is the phenomenon of the Midnight Sun, with Iceland basking in an astounding 20 to 22 hours of daylight. This extended daylight opens up a world of opportunities for outdoor activities and events, from glacier tours and hikes to festivals like the Reykjavik Art Festival and Reykjavik Pride.

Preparing for Rain and Snow: What to Pack


Packing for Iceland’s unpredictable weather can be a bit of a puzzle. Regardless of planning a winter adventure or a summer visit, preparing for diverse weather conditions is imperative.

Waterproof and wind-resistant clothing is your best friend in the Icelandic climate. Brands like Patagonia, 66 North, and Gortex offer ‘hard shell’ jackets that stand up to Iceland’s weather. For the colder months, insulated or down jackets are recommended, along with merino wool base layers and thermal undies for extra warmth. And don’t forget to pack:

  • warm gloves

  • scarves

  • hats

  • waterproof shoes

Driving in Iceland: Weather Considerations

While driving in Iceland promises stunning views at every bend, weather conditions may occasionally disrupt your travel plans. From glistening glaciers to black sand beaches, the country’s diverse landscapes can be as challenging as they are beautiful, especially during winter.

Before setting off, it would be prudent to acquaint yourself with the existing road conditions. Websites like or provide real-time road conditions, a crucial resource in a country where winter roads can get slippery or even close, especially in the North. In times of heavy rain, snowstorms, and fog, drivers should exercise caution and adjust their speed accordingly. And remember, for icy and slippery roads, studded snow tires are your best bet.

The Best Times to Visit Iceland for Ideal Weather


Selecting the optimal time to visit Iceland does not have a universal answer. The ‘ideal’ time largely depends on your weather preferences and the experiences you’re seeking. From the warm summer months to the snowy landscapes of winter, each season brings its unique charm.

Summer in Iceland, from June to August, offers mild weather and longer daylight hours, perfect for outdoor activities and exploration. Autumn, particularly late August, brings with it colorful fall landscapes, cheaper accommodations, and a chance to catch the Northern Lights.

Winter, on the other hand, offers its unique attractions. Some reasons to travel in winter include:

  • Northern Lights

  • Cheaper flights and accommodations

  • Stunning winter landscapes

  • Cozy hot springs

Winter is an excellent time to experience snowfall during a budget trip filled with these attractions.

Experiencing Iceland's Natural Beauty: Weather-Dependent Activities

Iceland serves as an extensive playground for outdoor lovers, with its weather significantly influencing their experiences. From hiking majestic mountains to exploring ethereal ice caves, each activity is dependent on the country’s unpredictable weather.

The best time to visit Iceland for different activities is as follows:

  • Hiking: June to August

  • Exploring ice caves and glaciers: mid-November to early March

  • Witnessing the Northern Lights: September to mid-April

  • Whale watching: March to September

Weather Extremes in Iceland: From Calm Days to Stormy Nights

Like its landscapes, Iceland’s weather also presents a striking contrast. From calm, sunny days to powerful storms, the country’s weather extremes can be as captivating as they are challenging.

The weather extremes in Iceland are particularly noticeable during the autumn and winter months, from September to March, when the country is prone to snow and wind storms. On calm days, the weather is relatively warmer, especially in early autumn and summer, offering ample opportunities for exploration and outdoor activities.

How Weather Affects Wildlife and Scenery in Iceland

Besides influencing the visitor experience, Iceland’s weather also significantly impacts the country’s wildlife and scenery. From bird migrations to plant life, the country’s weather patterns deeply influence its natural world.

The changing weather affects:

  • The energy levels and habitats of birds, particularly during the spring migration

  • The movement of fish to cooler waters, impacting the fishing industry

  • The growth of new plants due to the thawing of frozen areas

  • The potential death of older plants during warm periods in winter

The country’s diverse weather also nurtures a variety of wildlife, from Arctic foxes and Icelandic sheep to seals and diverse bird species like Atlantic puffins.


So, there you have it - a comprehensive guide to understanding and navigating Iceland’s ever-changing weather. From the influences of the Gulf Stream to the variability across the island and the dramatic shifts in daylight, Iceland’s weather is a fascinating blend of the predictable and the unpredictable. With the right preparation and mindset, you can embrace the country’s weather extremes and embark on an unforgettable Icelandic adventure. Ready to brave the elements and experience the magic of Iceland?

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the best month to visit Iceland?

The best month to visit Iceland is between June and August for summer activities, or September to March to see the Northern Lights.

What month is the coldest in Iceland?

January is the coldest month in Iceland, with temperatures usually ranging from -3°C to +2°C and mountains and landscapes covered in snow. This is also a great time to catch sight of the Northern Lights.

What is the hottest month in Iceland?

July and August are the hottest months in Iceland, with average temperatures of 10-15°C (50-59°F) and up to 18 hours of daylight.

What's the average temperature in Iceland throughout the year?

The average temperature in Iceland is 41 F (5 C), but can vary depending on region and season.

How does the Gulf Stream impact Iceland's weather?

The Gulf Stream brings warm water from the equator, moderating Iceland's climate and contributing to its unpredictable weather and high rainfall, making for quite a unique environment.

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