Gray Line Iceland - All you need to know about Easter in Iceland

Posted by on 07 Apr 2020

What is Easter like in Iceland?

April is not only the month when you can feel the spring coming, but it is also the Easter time! Who wouldn't love Easter, right? Easter in Iceland is so fancied that people can't wait to have some days off and enjoy Easter as it belongs. Even Easter in Iceland, and all over the world, probably won't be so much fun and family gathering this year, let's disclose to you a few essentials which cannot be missing during Easter in Iceland!


Easter traditions in Iceland

Since 70% of the population is belonging to the Lutheran Church, there are naturally a few services in Churches over Iceland. If you don't know where to go, Hallgrímskirkja Church downtown Reykjavík is always a good choice.

Who does love to eat? Icelanders do! Easter in Iceland is about festive, and food on the table cannot be missing. Traditional Easter dinner in Iceland includes a roasted leg of lamb, sugar-glazed potatoes, and gravy. Trust us, is it always an experience to have this dish. And if you have a chance to have it in the Icelandic home atmosphere, you will have a moment in your life. If not, no worries, many restaurants in Iceland can offer you this dish on their menu, so you can enjoy this heaven in the mouth (as many Icelanders use to say).


Something sweet in mind? Then you are in the right country! The typical Easter thing in Iceland is chocolate Easter Egg. But this egg is not just some egg. This heaven in the mouth always hides even more yummies in its middle! And in many years, you can find tons of variations. From smallest to largest (up to two kilos), from white or milk chocolate to licorice chocolate eggs with always many variations of surprises inside. If you got a taste, Easter Eggs are always available in every grocery store.



Everyone decorates their home with flowers, painted or hand-made chicks and rabbits, all in Easter pastel colors. Some people also decorate empty eggshells with their kids at home and hang them around the house, or as decoration with flowers. The older traditions are not done so much as in the past, but still going on somewhere.

Opening hours in Iceland during Easter

Around 70% of the Icelandic population is belonging to the Lutheran Church. The rest are without any religion. Easter in Iceland begins from on the Maundy Thursday. When midnight comes, and Good Friday begins, all entertaining places in Iceland has to be closed until Saturday doesn't enter. When it comes to stores and public places, everything is closed on Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Easter Sunday and Easter Monday. So if you will be planning to visit Iceland during Easter, don't forget to check the opening hours at all places you want to see. 


Free time during Easter in Iceland

Easter is the first time after the Christmas holidays when people have more days off as weekends only. No doubt that everybody is so much looking forward to it. Easter is a big family thing in Iceland, and so people travel to their families from all parts of Iceland. They spend time together, go for trips, and spring skiing in ski resorts is one of the most favorite. Unfortunately, Easter won't be the same this year, and people are very disappointed. But everybody understands that it is necessary to stay safe and protect the loved ones. 


Gledilega Páska! = Happy Easter!

If your plans to come to Iceland during Easter 2020 got sadly canceled, we feel you, but come next year! As you see, there is a lot to don't miss. Easter in Iceland is a great time to travel and explore Iceland. You might get sun rays and lovely warmer days, but also heavy snowing and cold. One can never know, hm. But no matter where you are right now, enjoy your Easter as much as possible, and let us now Easter traditions in your home country!

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